Publication guidelines
© România 2024

Publication guidelines

Your final paper should contain the following: 
(1) Title 
(2) Name(s) of the author(s)) 
(3) Affiliation of the author(s) 
(4) Abstract 
(5) Key words 
(6) Body of the text 
(7) Paper size: B5 Font: Times New Roman (11 pt) NB: If a paper contains characters other than the Latin script, the author should provide the fonts. Line spacing: 1 Alignment: Justified Margins: Top 2.5 cm Bottom 2.25 cm Left 2.25 cm Right 2.25 cm Page numbers: Do not insert page numbers. 

(1) Title: bold capitals, centered, TNR (12 pt) 
(2) Author’s name: bold, centred, TNR (11 pt) 
(3) Affiliation: below author’s name, regular font, TNR (11 pt) 
(4) Abstract : An abstract of up to 500 words should precede the body of the text (TNR, 11 pt). The first line should start with the entry Abstract 

(5) Key words Please include up to five key words next to the entry Key words: (TNR, 11 pt). 

(6) Footnotes: regular font, TNR (9 pt) Footnotes should be marked consecutively throughout the text by a number directly following a punctuation mark. Figures, tables etc. Figures, tables etc. should be provided on a separate page (with appropriate reference in the text) or inserted as moveable objects in the text. 
Citations and quotations Citations and quotations are followed by parentheses containing author’s surname, year of publication and a reference to page(s) – e.g. (Popescu 2004: 45). Brief citations are interpolated in the text, between double quotation marks. Longer quotations (5-10 lines) should appear as separate blocks, indented left and right and separated from the text by an extra-line space above and below, without quotation marks. 

(7) References: regular font, TNR (10 pt) References should be indicated in the typescript by giving the author's name, with the year of publication in parentheses - e.g. (Popescu 2004: 45).